On line with passion since 2007

worm per sitoControlla un serpente che cresce mangiando bonus....attenzione però ai bordi del campo, agli antibonus ed a non mordersi la coda!!! Tutto da scoprire...



10 dim x(201), y(201)
20 e=0:tt=0
30 p=1:q=1:t=0:e=e+10:if e>200 then e=200
40 dx=0:dy=-1:x(1)=17:y(1)=12:b=0
50 print chr$(147):poke53280,5:poke53281,5:print chr$(144)
60 for i=1 to 37
70 poke 214,1:print:print tab(i);chr$(166);
80 poke 214,23:print:print tab(i);chr$(166);
90 if i>23 then 110
100 poke 214,I:print: print " ";chr$(166);tab(37);chr$(166);
110 next i
120 for i=1 to e
130 x=1146+int(rnd(1)*35)+int(rnd(1)*21)*40
140 if peek(x)<>32 then 130
150 if i>e/2 then poke x,88:poke 54272+x,4:goto 170
160 poke x,83:poke54272+x,2
170 next i
180 poke214,0:print:print   PUNTI:";tab(27);"BONUS:"
190 poke 1024+x(p)+y(p)*40,81:poke55296+x(p)+y(p)*40,0
200 get a$:if a$="" then 190
210 goto 230
220 get d$:if d$="" then 300
230 if dy=0 then 270
240 if d$="q" then dx=dy:goto 260
250 dx=-dy
260 dy=0: goto 300
270 if d$="p" then dy=dx:goto 290
280 dy=-dx
290 dx=0
300 ap=p:p=p+1:if p=202 then p=1
310 x(p)=x(ap)+dx:y(p)=y(ap)+dy
320 if peek(1024+x(p)+y(p)*40)<>32 then 370
330 poke 1024+x(q)+y(q)*40,32
340 q=q+1:if q=202 then q=1
350 poke 1024+x(p)+y(p)*40,81:poke55296+x(p)+y(p)*40,0
360 goto 220
370 a=peek(1024+x(p)+y(p)*40)
380 if a=102 or a=81 then 460
390 if a=83 then b=b+1:goto 420
400 if b=0 then 460
410 b=b-1
420 t=t+1:tt=tt+1
430 poke 214,0:print:print tab(10);tt;tab(33);b;chr$(125)
440 if t=e then 30
450 goto 350
460 poke214,0:print:print tab(10);tt;tab(33);chr$(125)
470 poke 1024+x(q)+y(q)*40,32
480 q=q+1:if q=202 then q=1
490 if q<>p then 470
500 get a$:if a$="" then 500
510 goto 20